We are pleased to announce that Helping Hoops will be using Molten basketballs exclusively at our programs for the next three years after a deal was reached recently with Madison Sport, which manages Molten in Australia. We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with Molten for several years that has seen over 250 basketballs donated to Helping Hoops for use at our programs and events. This latest deal however takes the partnership to a whole new level and will see a further 210 basketballs donated with a retail value of over $17,000.
The extended partnership with Molten is timely as it comes at a time of expansion for Helping Hoops. Having in-kind sponsorships for essential items allows our limited funds to be directed into reaching even more kids who will benefit from our programs. Basketballs are the tools of our trade, and being able to use the best in the business means our coaches and kids can enjoy the best possible experience at Helping Hoops programs.
Scott Besson, Madison Sport Brand Manager, says,
“Molten first became aware of the Helping Hoops program around 7 years ago. Since that time, we have been happy to play our small part in supporting the wonderful community programs Helping Hoops have undertaken by providing our basketballs as the tool with which this outstanding independent charity connects with disadvantaged and disabled children. We are very proud to extend our partnership with Helping Hoops.”
We look forward to continuing to grow Helping Hoops throughout Melbourne thanks to the fantastic community support we enjoy with companies such as Madison Sport. Please visit their website at madisonsport.com.au to learn more about their products.